


Meet Our Faculty
Rev. Dr. John Daniel
Dr. John Daniel, graduated from Hebron Bible College, Kumbad, Kerala in 1963. Later he earned the following diploma and degrees: B. Th. Diploma from Doon Bible College, Dehradun U.P.; B. A., and M. A. from University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka; B. D. from Serampur University; Doctor of Ministry from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK. He is the founder President of the IPC Kottayam Theological Seminary in Kottayam. He has written commentary on the Epistle of Galatians, and 1st Corinthians, and written articles in many Christian magazines. Dr. Daniel was ordained into the pastoral ministry in 1970 by the presbytery of the Indian Pentecostal Church of God. He has pastored several churches in India and served as the chief editor of Zion Trumpet. He also served as Registrar of the Hebron Bible College Kumbanad. Later he became the pastor of the India Christian Assembly, New York and IPC Hebron Houston, Texas. At present he is the pastor of I.P. C. Orlando, Florida. He got married with Kunjamma in 1969 and have four children; Grace, Stanley, Stephen, and Nancy

Name Language Description
O. Synoptic Gospels Malayalam Synoptic Gospels